Etablering SBA
Stockholm Business Alliance (SBA) is a partnership spanning 56 municipalities across eight counties with a focus on helping foreign companies get established in the region.
Since its inception in 2006 the partnership has provided free advice and professional services to a wide range of international firms seeking to relocate to the Stockholm region.
We are determined to keep our place as Europe’s foremost region for sustainable growth, and we want you to be part of our success story.
Please contact Erik Krüger, our Head of Investments & Establishments, if your company is interested in establishing a presence in the Stockholm region.
Senast uppdaterad:
Arboga kommun
Arboga kommun
Box 45, 732 21 Arboga
Rådhuset, Smedjegatan 5
Telefon- och öppettider
Måndag-torsdag: 7.30–16.30
Fredag: 7.30–15.00
Alla röda dagar har Rådhuset och växeln stängt.
Dag före röd dag stänger vi 12.00.